A crown is a cover or a cap that restores your tooth to its normal shape, and size, allowing the tooth to properly function again..Crowns can make your teeth stronger, and improve the looks of the tooth.
Reasons For Crowns
Cracked Tooth |
We do crowns on Teeth that are Cracked or have Large fillings to stop them from Breaking, and to reduce the Risk / Need for a Root Canal. Sometimes when they break there is no other choice than to extract the broken tooth.Once broken Crowns are usually indicated to once again give that tooth the strength needed to chew again.
Large Filling |
Root Cannaled TeethWe do crowns on Teeth that have Root Canals. Root Canalled teeth tipically are more brittle that a regular tooth. So, Root canals cause teeth to be more likely to fracture. We crown these teeth to give them more strength.
Aesthetics and Old FillingsWhen teeth have extensive patches ( Fillings ); Crowns will give them the extra strength to avoid those embarrassing Missing / Broken teeth days. Crowns may look better too.
Rest Seats For Partials When a partial denture is going to be made, it will hold onto several teeth, to gain it's stability. These teeth will accept the force of chewing, they must be very sound in structure, or they will break. So, if a tooth has a large filling, it is usually wise to crown it prior to the fabrication of a partial denture.
Empress Crowns
Before |
Empress Crowns are an all porcelain crown. This allows for the crown to be more translucent much like a natural tooth. So with a Empress crown we can control the size and shape of the tooth, and have complete color control. The Porcelain is bonded into place, creating a solid structure with crown and tooth all becoming one. Since there is no metal in this process the reduction of tooth structure is less than that of a conventional crown (PFM).
After |
PMF Crowns - Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns
Porcelain Fused to metal Crowns ( PFM ) offer an economical way to restore broken, worn and discolored teeth.
Real Patient Testimonial
Here we have a great patient that wants her teeth to stop chipping and breaking, and also she would like them to look better. We chose to do PFM Crowns do to economics. Tooth transluecency in this case was not an issue. Here smile line is uneven, colors vary from tooth to tooth. As You can see We have had a dramatic impact on how this young lady smiles. All her teeth are now a uniform color, Correct size and shape for her face. We all were happy with this out come. This was a very enjoyable patient to work with, which helps all the more to get a great end result. |